Driving Lights on an F650GS, Page 2


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So now I had some idea of what to attach, and where to attach it... That's a good start, but HOW?

More steel, of course! I decided that I could cut down a large enough piece of angle-iron to handle both duties, of being attached to the triple-clamp and holding on to the bar. I'd need better access to the beak for this, with the bolt heads out of the way, so I decided to begin taking things apart.

Removed the seat

Got out the tool kit

And I set out to take off the beak. Wow, those bolts are hard to remove... REALLY hard. That little torx driver was going to kill my hands... Out came the Bondhus tee-handles. Who knew that a light-weight component like an all-plastic fender would have all of its' fasteners red loctited into place?

Red Loctite remnants - You can just barely see some on the thread.

So with a bit of effort, and a few naughty words, the beak came off, leaving my bike funny looking:

And the beak sitting on the garage floor:

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2007, J.D. Luke